Special Editorial Session

A Special Editorial Session on “The Future of Scientific Publications” will be held. The panel will include four leading Editors from leading international journals:

Dr. Catherine Potenski, Editor-in-Chief, Nature Genetics

Dr. Peter Stern, Senior Editor, Science

Dr. Christophe Bernard, Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Editor-in-Chief, eNeuro

The session will be moderated by Prof. Naama Barkai, Senior Editor, eLife.


See you at the Special Editorial Session!

Editors' Biographies

Catherine Potenski, PhD 

Editor-in-Chief, Nature Genetics

Catherine Potenski is obtained her Ph.D. from the Microbiology program at New York University School of Medicine in Irina Derkatch’s laboratory where she studied Q/N-rich protein aggregates and prions in the yeast model system. For her postdoctoral work, Catherine joined Hannah Klein’s laboratory where she studied mechanisms of ribonucleotide-induced DNA damage in yeast. She joined the Nature Geneticsteam in 2015, and was appointed Chief Editor in April 2019.

Peter Stern, MD, PhD

Senior Editor, Science 

Curriculum Vitae

2005                Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge

2003 – present: Senior Editor, SCIENCE

1998 – 2002:   Associate Editor, SCIENCE

1994 – 1997:   Research Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

1994                Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize

1991 – 1994:   Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Pharmacology Dept., UCL, London, U.K.

1991                Bernard Katz Prize

1990 – 1991:   Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany.

1987 – 1990:   Ph.D. student, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Bert Sakmann.

1987:               Qualification as M.D.

1981 – 1987:   Medical Student, Frankfurt University Medical School, Germany. Clinical attachments in London, Harvard, and Perth (Australia).

Christophe Bernard, PhD

Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Editor-in-Chief, eNeuro

Dr. Christophe BERNARD is Director of Research Inserm and the head of PHYSIONET team in the Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes – Inserm U1106. He was trained in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and he obtained a Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 1990 (Paris VI university). The lab focuses on epilepsy mechanisms and associated co-morbidities (depression and cognitive deficits). New technologies are developed, such as organic electronics for recording and controlling brain activity and the virtual mouse brain (virtualization of individual mice to study whole brain dynamics). He obtained his Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 1990 (Paris VI University). He received the Michael Prize on epilepsy research in 2007 and the Felix Prize on innovation for the organic transistor. He is a former Reviewing Editor of Science and Journal of Neuroscience, and present Editor-in-Chief of eNeuro, the open access online journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

Naama Barkai, PhD

Senior Editor, eLife

Naama Barkai joined the Weizmann Institute in late 1999, just as the genomic revolution was getting underway. She was fortunate to be among the physics-trained biologists who were applying tools and concepts from the quantitative sciences to study how cellular computation systems are designed. This group was the founding core of the emergent field of systems biology. Barkai’s work contributed to two subfields of systems biology: understanding the design principles of biological circuits on a relatively small scale, and understanding principles of gene expression at the genomic level.
A central contribution of Barkai’s work is the formulation and application of the robustness principle. Biological circuits, in contrast (perhaps) to man-made computation devices, work within what is inherently a highly noisy environment, as manifested in different dimensions. The robustness principle suggests that the biological circuits selected by evolution are robust; that is, they perform their function reliably in a noisy environment, showing minimal dependency on the kinetics of quantitative parameters. Over the years, Barkai has applied this principle to reveal design principles and operational mechanisms of multiple circuits that work in diverse contexts. In particular, her work has revealed mechanisms that function during multicellular development to pattern the body plan.
Barkai is a faculty member in the Department of Molecular Genetics at the Weizmann institute. She has received several awards in recognition of her work, including the EMBO award for women in science and the Rothschild Prize.