ILANIT 2020 Committees
ILANIT 2020 Board

Scientific Organizing Committee

Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
- Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics and Systems Biology
Erez Levanon – Chair (BIU); Roy Kishony (TEC); Bat Sheva Kerem (HUJ); Ruti Parvari (BGU).
- Molecular/Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Sivan Henis-Korenblit – Chair (BIU); Amir Aharoni (BGU); Gali Prag (TAU); Assaf Aharoni (WIS)
- Cancer, Immunology and Physiology
Eyal Gottlieb – Chair (TEC); Yardena Samuels (WIS); Sol Efroni (BIU); Ofer Mandelboim (HUJ)
- Neuroscience and Endocrinology
Inna Slutsky – Chair (TAU); Kobi Rosenblum (Haifa); Gil Levkowitz (WIS)
- Microbiology, Virology and Parasitology
Ronit Sarid – Chair (BIU); Ron Dzikowsk (HUJ); Judith Berman (TAU); Itzik Mizrachi (BGU)
- Plant Biology, Zoology and Ecology
Naomi Ori – Chair (HUJ); Assaf Vardi (WIS); Noga Kronfeld–Schor (TAU)
- Cellular and Developmental Biology, Stem Cell biology
Talila Volk – Chair (WIS); Shulamit Levenberg (TEC); Nissim Benvenisty (HUJ)