List of Topics and Sessions


The topics are:
  • Aging
  • Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Biotech/Biomed
  • Cancer
  • Cell Biology
  • Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • Cytoskeleton and Motility
  • Developmental Biology
  • Ecology
  • Education
  • Endocrinology


  • Fertility
  • Gene and Cell Therapy
  • Gene Expression and Molecular Biology
  • Cell Signaling
  • Genetics
  • Genomics and Epigenetics
  • Immunology
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Medical Genetics
  • Microbiology
  • Microscopy
  • Neuroimmunology


  • Neuroscience
  • Oxygen and Free Radicals
  • Parasitology
  • Plant Science
  • Skeletal Biology and Medicine
  • Structural Biology
  • Stem Cells
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Virology
  • Zoology


The sessions are:
  • Advances in Clinical Diagnosis
    Israel Society for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • Advances in Integrative Structural Biology
    Israeli Society for Mass Spectrometry & Israel Crystallographic Association
  • Advances in Skeletal Biology and Medicine
    Israel Society for Skeletal Biology and Medicine
  • Big Data in Health and Disease: Challenges and Opportunities
    Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Biophysics and Morphogenesis in Development
    The Israeli Society For Developmental Biology
  • Can we Read (and Write) Proteins? Computational and Experimental Approaches to Protein Folding and Design
    Israel Biophysical Society & Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Cancer Genomics and Data Mining
    Israel Society for Cancer Research & Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Cancer Immunotherapy Using Engineered T Cell Receptors (TCRs) and Chimeric Antibody Receptors T Cells (CAR-T)
    The Israeli Society of Gene & Cell Therapy & Israel Immunological Society & Israel Society for Cancer Research
  • Cancer Metabolism
    Israel Society for Cancer Research
  • Cancer Therapy with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors – Opportunities and Challenges
    Israel Immunological Society & Israel Society for Cancer Research
  • Cellular Motility and Interaction Dynamics in the Immune System and Beyond
    Israeli Forum for Cytoskeleton and Motility & Israel Immunological Society
  • Cellular Trafficking in Health and Disease
    Israel Society for Cell Biology
  • Chromatin & Epigenetics
    Genetic Society of Israel
  • Computation in Microbial Communities
    Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology  & Israel Society for Microbiology
  • Computational Immunology
    Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology & Israel Immunological Society
  • Cytoskeletal Remodeling and Cellular Movement in Morphogenesis
    Israeli Forum for Cytoskeleton and Motility
  • Dynamics in Plant Responses
    Israeli Society for Plant Sciences
  • Engineering & Evolution of Proteins
    Israel Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Epigenetics and Re-differentiation in Plant and Animal Development
    Israeli Society for Plant Sciences & The Israeli Society for Developmental Biology
  • Eukaryotes of the Microbial World
    Suggested by SAC
  • Extracellular Vesicles: from Basic Research to Clinical Development
    Israel Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases
  • Food Security: from Plant Protection to Molecular Breeding and Crop Biotechnology
    Israeli Society for Plant Sciences
  • From a Reductionist to a Systems Biology View of the Proteostasis Network
    Organized by students
  • Gene Regulation Across the Tree of Life
    Organized by students
  • Genetic Basis of Human Disorders
    Genetic Society of Israel
  • Genome Stability, DNA Repair and Chromosome Dynamics
    Genetic Society of Israel
  • Host-Pathogen Interaction
    Israel Society for Microbiology
  • Immune Response to Viral Infection
    Organized by students
  • Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Health and Disease
    Israel Immunological Society
  • Ion channels & Transporters
    Suggested by SAC
  • Microbial Simplicity for Understanding Life Complexity
    Israel Biophysical Society & Israel Society for Microbiology
  • Modes of Intracellular and Extracellular Communication
    Israel Society for Cell Biology
  • Movement Ecology
    Zoological Society of Israel
  • Neural Circuits and Behavior
    The Israeli Society for Neuroscience
  • Neuronal Basis of Learning and Memory
    The Israeli Society for Neuroscience





  • Neuronal Cell Biology in Health and Disease
    The Israeli Society for Neuroscience & Israel Society for Cell Biology
  • New Challenges in Cell Death Biology
    Israeli Cell Death Society
  • New Concepts in Microbial Ecology
    Israel Society for Microbiology & Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences
  • New Horizons in Developmental Biology Studied in Model Organisms
    The Israeli Society for Developmental Biology
  • New Regulators of Obesity and Adipose Tissue Metabolism
    Israel Endocrine Society
  • Organogenesis and Regeneration
    The Israeli Society for Developmental Biology
  • Organoids in Development and Disease Modeling
    The Israeli Society for Developmental Biology & Israel Stem Cell Society
  • Pitching In: Scientists’ Involvement in High-school Biology
    Suggested by SAC
  • Physiology of Sensation
    Israel Society for Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Precision Cancer Medicine
    Israel Society for Cancer Research
  • Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research
    Israeli Society for Mass Spectrometry
  • Recent Advances in Parasitology
    Israel Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases
  • Recent Progress in Non-coding RNA and RNA Modifications
    Genetic Society of Israel
  • Redox Signaling and Aging
    Israel Society for Oxygen and Free Radicals Research
  • Regulation of Biological Processes by Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like Molecules
    Suggested by SAC
  • Localization and Translation
    Suggested by Organizing Committee
  • Sexual Dimorphism in the Nervous System – from Molecular Mechanisms to Social Behaviors
    Organized by students
  • State of the Art Microscopy Techniques in the Study of Intracellular Processes
    Israel Society for Microscopy
  • Stem Cell Pluripotency, Differentiation and Reprogramming
    Israel Stem Cell Society
  • Stem Cells and Cancer
    Israel Stem Cell Society
  • Structure Function of Proteins and Their Post Translation Modifications
    Suggested by SAC
  • Structure Function Relationships in Microbial Cells
    Israel Society for Microbiology & Israel Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Symbiosis in a Changing Climate: the Role of Microbiome in Resistance and Tolerance of Plants
    Israeli Society for Plant Sciences & Israel Society for Microbiology
  • Synthetic Biology
    Suggested by SAC
  • Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing Climate
    Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences
  • The Brain Immune-Axis: From Basic Science to Clinical Translation
    Israel Neuroimmunology Society
  • The Complexity of Animal-Plant Interactions
    Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences & Zoological Society of Israel
  • The Impact of Climate Change on the Marine Ecosystem
    Suggested by organizing committee
  • The Ins and Outs of Gametogenesis
    Israel Fertility Association
  • The Microbiome and Immunity
    Israel Immunological Society & Israel Society for Microbiology
  • The Next Top Model: Emerging Model Organisms in Molecular Biology
    Organized by students
  • The Power of Single Cell Analysis
    Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology & Israel Society for Microscopy
  • The Power of Single Molecule Detection
    Israel Biophysical Society
  • Therapeutic Gene Therapy & Genome Editing
    Israel Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
  • Therapeutic Potential of Plant-Derived Compounds
    Organized by students
  • Tissue Engineering
    Israel Stem Cell Society
  • Virus and Phage Biology
    Israel Society for Microbiology




Special short sessions:
  • 3D Chromatin Structure, Organization & Disease
    Organized by students
  • Forest bio-eco
    Organized by students
  • Cell-cell Communication: from Theoretical Modeling to Experiments
    Organized by students
  • The Impact of Climate Change on the Marine Ecosystem
    Suggested by the Organizing Committee


  • How do Cells Marshal their Content? – The Characterization and Function of Membrane-less Organelles in Cells
    Organized by students
  • Cancer Cell Signaling and Tumor Microenvironment
    Organized by students
  • State of the Art Techniques in Study of Cytoskeletal Dynamics
    Israeli Forum for Cytoskeleton and Motility
  • Adult Stem Cells: Can we Generalize?
    Suggested by scientists


  • Drug Design and Development
    Suggested by scientists
  • Cell Therapy
    Suggested by scientists
  • New Insights in Heart Failure and Arrhythmia Research
    Israel Society of Heart Research
  • BioMaterials
    Suggested by the Organizing Committee
  • Microbiology Adaptation & Evolution: Past, Present and Future
    Suggested by the Organizing Committee



Abbreviations of Societies:

(GSI) Genetic Society of Israel
(IBS) Israel Biophysical Society
(ICA) Israel Crystallographic Association
(IES) Israel Endocrine Society
(IFA) Israel Fertility Association
(IIS) Israel Immunological Society
(INS) Israel Neuroimmunology Society
(ISAR) Israel Society for Auditory Research
(ISBMB) Israel Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
(ISCR) Israel Society for Cancer Research
(ISCB) Israel Society for Cell Biology
(ILMAR) Israel Society for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
(IDS) Israel Society for Diabetes
(ISEES) Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences
(ISMM) Israel Society for Medical Mycology
(ISM) Israel Society for Microbiology
(ISM) Israel Society for Microscopy
(ISOFRR) Israel Society for Oxygen and Free Radicals Research
(ISPPTD) Israel Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases


(ISPP) Israel Society for Physiology and Pharmacology
(ISSBM) Israel Society for Skeletal Biology and Medicine
(ISHR) Israel Society of Heart Research
(ISMG) Israel Society of Medical Genetics
(ISCS) Israel Stem Cell Society
(IsCDS) Israel Cell Death Society
(IFCM) Israeli Forum for Cytoskeleton and Motility
(ISBCB) Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
(ISMS) Israeli Society for Mass Spectrometry
(ISPS) Israeli Society for Plant Sciences
(IsSDB) The Israeli Society for Developmental Biology
(ISFN) The Israeli Society for Neuroscience
(ISGCT) The Israeli Society of Gene & Cell Therapy
(ISHR) Israel Society of Heart Research
(ZSI) Zoological Society of Israel
(SOC) Suggested by Organizing Committee
(SOS) Student Organized Session
(SSAC) Suggested by SAC